GMS Web Application
User Management: Implement user account management for players, game administrators, and moderators, allowing for user registration, authentication, and roles.
Game Catalog: Create a comprehensive catalog to showcase available games, including titles, descriptions, genres, ratings, and release dates.
Content Management: Enable game administrators to upload and manage game-related content, including images, videos, and descriptions.
Player Profiles: Provide players with customizable profiles where they can track their gaming activity, achievements, and statistics.
Game Analytics: Include tools for tracking player behavior, game performance, and player engagement to improve game design and marketing strategies.
In-Game Purchases: Implement e-commerce functionality for in-game purchases, virtual goods, and microtransactions.
Multiplayer Lobbies: Create a system for players to host and join multiplayer game sessions with friends or strangers.
Game Updates and Patches: Allow developers to release game updates and patches, and enable players to download and install them easily.
Player Support: Offer player support features, such as FAQs, forums, and a ticketing system for addressing issues and inquiries.


GMS Application



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